Ochota na lis

by Vadim Abdrashitov

Belov is a worker. One night he is assailed in a park by two young men, who get immediately apprehended. Only one of them who can't afford a lawyer is sentenced, while the other gets by with a suspended sentence. Belov, who is upset by this injustice, visits the one who is in prison and ask the permission to take care of him and his re-education. The two are linked by a strong bond in spite of the generational differences dividing them.
Country: Urss
Year: 1980
Running time: 97'
Genre: fiction
Screenplay: Aleksandr Mindadze
Cinematography: Jurj Nevskij
Editing: R. Rogatkina
Music: Eduard Artemyev
With: Vladimir Gostjuchin, Irina Murav’ëva, Alla Pokovskaja, Igor Nefedov
Produced by: Mosfilm