Guerra o pace

by Alberto Valtellina

A professional training center. Regarded by someone as a clashing ground, it turns instead into a place of collaboration and meeting. A Senegalese teacher struggling with lively and smart students. A 11 years old kid from Morocco left his country and family to move to Italy. It's not war, it's not peace. The camera follows the main characters telling about their daily life, their curiosities and doubts, trying to avoid cultural prejudices and stereotypes.
Country: Italia
Year: 2009
Running time: 59'
Language: italiano, punjabi, wolof, arabo
Subtitles: italiano
Genre: documentary
Cinematography: Alberto Valtellina, Sergio Visinoni
With: Mahajan Kumar, Navpreet Mahey, Balwinder Mahey, Chamkaur Singh, Harminder Singh, Alioune Gueye, Samir Xhemaj, Thomas Poma Silvestri, Mohamed Mensour, Matteo Belussi, Marco Nembrini, Bouchra Gzouly, Fettah Richadi, Kelly Piavani, Laura Mombrini, Michele Gentilini, Mouhamadou Makhtar Dieng

acquista su:

Realizzato per ASL Bergamo, Direzione Sociale, U.O. Servizi di Mediazione e Integrazione. Cofinanziamento regionale per l'immigrazione. Con la collaborazione di Cooperativa Kinesis.