Sur et sous terre

by Paolo Jamoletti, Alberto Valtellina

Above the ground: in the 60's, Mario moved to France and built his house in Landres, Lorraine region. Under the ground: while building his house, Mario has worked in a iron mine for 20 years. Today the mines are closed, the floods made the soil unstable. Hundreds of buildings crumbled down and some other are precarious. Mario lives a kafkaesque situation: for years, he has been excavating under his own house, which is now seriously damaged. Mario asks for a state intervention, but the bureaucrats seem to ignore his needs.
Country: Italia, Francia
Year: 2010
Running time: 43'
Format: DVD
Language: italiano, francese
Subtitles: italiano, francese, inglese
Genre: documentary
Screenplay: Paolo Jamoletti, Alberto Valtellina, Carine Aletti
Cinematography: Alberto Valtellina
Editing: Alberto Valtellina
Music: Bancale
With: Mario Moglia, Miroslav e Milan Jereb, Marco e Marie José Dinale, Madame Canini, Celso e Maria Daranti, Gilles Gofinet, Roland Stanisière