
by Árpád Sopsits

In Miskolc, in 1982, a teenager shoots with a rifle to his father, without any reason, apparently. The mother, who just came back for the hospital, will find out what her son did a few days after. The boy is now in prison, where he must stay for thirteen years. His father's dream was to open again a shooting gallery. The film won the Rosa Camuna prize at Bergamo Film Meeting in 1990.
Country: Ungheria
Year: 1990
Running time: 87'
Format: 35 mm
Language: ungherese
Subtitles: italiano
Genre: fiction
Screenplay: Gyula Elian, Árpád Sopsits
Cinematography: Gyula Elian, Árpád Sopsits
Editing: Mária Magdolna Kovács, Marianna Miklós, Zsuzsa Pósan
Music: László Melis, Group 180
With: Zoltan Lengyel, Judit Danyi, Lajos Kovács, Lili Monori, Feró Nagy
Produced by: MTV FMS, Hunnia Filmstúdió, Balázs Béla Stúdió