
by Montxo Armendariz

Tasio, born in a farmhouse at the feet of the Urbesca mountains, becomes a charcoal burner at the age of fourteen and meets Paulina during a dancing at their village and she will become his wife. Tasio leads a free life, alternating his job to the activity of poacher, which he will never abandon, not even during the most difficult moments, when he will be abandon by everybody.
Country: Spagna
Year: 1984
Running time: 96'
Format: 35 mm
Language: spagnolo
Subtitles: italiano
Genre: fiction
Screenplay: Montxo Armendariz
Cinematography: José Luis Alcaine
Editing: Pablo G. Del Amo
With: Patxi Bisquert, Isisdro José Solano, Garikoitz Mendigutxia
Produced by: Elias Querejeta