The Doors of Memory

by Ian Rosenfeld

A night in the life of Isaac, a jewish Russian man who survived the nazi holocaust, and Sophie, a catholic Polish woman. They are both refugees. Since thirty years they live in a garret in London, where Isaac has created a sort of maze of doors on which he has engraved and painted the symbols of their past. In this space, trapped in the history and yet in a time-free dimension, the two characters fight, take care of each other and make love, linked by mutual need.
Country: Gran Bretagna
Year: 1993
Running time: 43'
Format: 35 mm
Genre: fiction
Screenplay: Ian Rosenfeld
Cinematography: Renato Berta
Editing: Caroline Biggerstaff
Music: Eberhard Weber
With: David de Keyser, Zofia Kalinska
Produced by: Ian Rosenfeld