Ecce Ubu

by Luca Ferri

The film is a mathematical calculation and, to come true, needs the support of the pataphysics. Sixty scenes, shot on Super 8, have been retrieved from the archive of Cinescatti, a project of Laboratorio 80 and Bergamo Film Meeting. The scenes are parts of simple footages about travels, domestic life, public demostrations and there are also some of them which were not meant to be filmed but the camera had been accindentally left on. The sixty scenes are shown in a systematic and gradual way, from the most rapid to the slowest. The first scenes last a second, the next ones two, three... and it keeps going on like this until the last sequence, which should be the most realistic and chronologically correct, but yet fictional, like the previous ones, inasmuch it is cinema.
Country: Italia
Year: 2012
Running time: 60'
Format: DCP, Blu-ray, File HD, DVD
Genre: fiction
Editing: Alberto Valtellina
Music: Dario Agazzi

Festival: Directors lounge x - Berlin, Blu Acquology - Massafra, Hydr0sphere - Seattle, Arkipel - Giacarta - [.box] Videoart project space - Milano, Cinema italiano off / Il barcaiolo - Lecco, Cineteca Nazionale - Roma, Cineclub Canudo - Bisceglie

In collaborazione con Cinescatti - Archivio di cinema amatoriale e di famiglia