The film tells about the daily lives of young children in Thiers, France. Patrick, thirteen years old, struggles through his first sentimental fervors, while other kids experience their own small dramas: Grégory falls from the window and gets away unharmed, Sylvie, reprimanded for whining, asks for help from all her neighbours, the brothers Deluca get into trouble trying to...
Amos Poe, enfant terrible of the American cinema, offers his disrespectful homages to Godard's À bout de souffle. The movie tells the story of Rico, who lives in New York in 1976, but lives in Paris during the Nouvelle Vague period. He is a photographer who believes to be a gangster, an outsider who uses his camera as if it was a gun. Rico is obviously also romantic, he beli...
Un illusionista omosessuale di mezza età vive la propria esistenza in un sofferto intreccio di sensazioni e di ricordi, legati questi ultimi all’estate del 1936 vissuta da tre adolescenti in un villa di Granata, all’amore di un ragazzo drammaticamente travolto dallo scoppio della guerra civile che doveva lacerare l’intera Spagna.
Bertrand Morane finds all women unique. He is in love with the idea itself of feminity. For him, they are at the same time a source of inspiration and the reason of his death. one day, following a woman, he gets hit by a car while crossing the road. In the hospital, while trying to look at a nurse's legs, falls from the bed disconnecting the pipes for the blood transfusion a...
Antoine Doinel is 35 years old. He is married to Christine, but they divorce and stay on good terms. In the movie, the last chapter of the saga dedicated to Antoine Doinel, the protagonist meets again the women who left a mark in his life and, after several vicissitudes, he will find happiness with Sabine.
Shot in the head by a bullet during a police operation, Hoffmann, a young biologist, has lost his memory. He doesn't know who he is. He has to learn again to see, to listen, to feel, to walk, to speak. What really happened that night? Despite his sickness - or actually thanks to it - Hoffmann manages to break the vicious cycle of phantasy and speculation. Pretending to have ...
The secret agent Max Menace arrives in New York from Europe to meet someone who will reveal to him why he is there. He gets involved in a series of strange situations with eccentric characters, but he doesn't manage to find out why he is in Usa.
The camera enters a museum of an European capital. There is only a receptionist sitting at a table, reading, and there are 92 drawings hanging on the walls, of small dimensions and of different materials. While the camera gets closer to the drawings, a voice over starts speaking. He is the person who collected those drawings, so that they can be of use after the death of a m...
Robert, a DJ, goes to Bristol to find out why his brother committed suicide. He meets a Scottish deserter, a mechanic fond of music and a woman who is looking for her missing daughter. The soundtrack includes Kraftwerk, David Bowie, Lene Lovich, Wreckless Eric. A black and white road movie, rich of references to the social and political climate of Great Britain in the 70'...
Secaucus, New Jersey, 1972: un gruppo di sette amici diretti a Washington per una manifestazione contro la guerra nel Vietnam viene arrestato e trattenuto per una notte dalla polizia con un pretesto qualsiasi, impedendo così loro di raggiungere la meta. Passati gli anni delle comuni battaglie, il gruppo si riunisce per passare un weekend nel New Hampshire. Durante la ...