Sent on a mission to Paris to control the work of three Soviet agents, a rigid and stern Russian Communist commissary opens her heart for the beautiful eyes of an aristocratic man and a neat little hat. Based on a screenplay written by Billy Wilder and Charles Brackett, Lubitsch's movie depicts a world of luxurious hotels, revolving doors, penniless nobility and moral aristo...
Eve Peabody, a penniless ballerina who lost all her money on the French Riviera, arrives in Paris and manages to sneak into a high class party, where she is approached by Georges Flammarion, a rich noble man, who asks her to seduce Jacques Picot, the son of Champagne producers, who is flirting with his wife Hélène. To Eve, this sounds like an easy task, but the situation get...
Evelyne works as a stripper in a nightclub, trying to scrape a living for herself and her young son. When a man she loved years earlier suddenly reappears she decides to pretend, for a few days at least, that her life has been more successful. But when Georges ask her to leave for Canada with him and her child, she must make a final choice.
Dopo un matrimonio fallito, una viziata giovane ereditiera di Filadelfia sta per risposarsi con un arricchito. Ma il primo marito è deciso a riprendersela. Commedia intelligente e sofisticata del periodo d'oro di Hollywood, interpretata da tre grandi attori (Helburn, Grant e Stewart). Il successo al botteghino permise alla Hepburn di risollevare la sua carriera in...
In Budapest, in the shop of the unfriendly Mr. Matuschek work Flora, Ilona, Pepi, Vadas, the old Pirovich and Alfred Kralik, the most important shop assistant. One day, Klara Novak enters the shop and gets a job because she manages to sell an item which was considered unsellable. Alfred reveals to Pirovich that he has a pen-girlfriend he has never met in person. When he find...
In the late 1800's, Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austro-Hungarian empire, falls for Sophie Chotek, a Czech countess. He's already a problem to the Crown because of his political ideas; this love affair with someone not of royal blood breeches protocol. The Crown allows the union only after the couple agrees to a morganatic marriage. The emperor further neutralizes Fr...
A German U-boat is sunk in Hudson Bay. The survived nazi sailors attempt to evade capture by traveling across Canada to the still-neutral United States. An anti-nazi film, which avoids any stereotypes, recalls Hitchcock's dramas and counts several great English actors, as Anton Walbrook, Laurence Olivier, Leslie Howard.
Returning from a year up the Amazon studying snakes, the rich but unsophisticated Charles Pike, the heir to the Pike Ale fortune, meets Jean Harrington and her dad, "Colonel" Harrington, on a ship. Jean falls hard for Pike and shields him from her card sharp father, but when Pike's valet discovers the truth about her and her father, Pike dumps her. Furious at being scorned, ...
Set in between the 19th and 20th century, when the industrialization process revolutionizes the consolidated habits, the movie tells the story of the Amberson, the wealthiest family in the southern States, and their downfall caused by their inability to accept any change. The widow Amberson would like to marry again with one of her former lover. Her son, proud and selfish, i...
1623, Denmark. Anne, the young wife of the pastor Absalon Pederssön hides the old Marte, who is accused of witchcraft. When Marte is found, she asks the pastor to defend her, knowing that he had already protected a woman accused of witchcraft, Anne's mother, with the aim of marry her daughter. Marte will be tortured, obliged to confess and sent to the stake. Anne, agitated b...