Middle-aged man in his living room is watching the creation of the cosmos through a gallery of encyclopedic images where the human being is never present, except for some of his works, ruins or activities. He falls asleep, lulled by the vision of an advertisement that features a woman, and finds himself in an awful nightmare where he witnesses the hunting of some polar bears...
Johannes “Hans” Liebschner filmed his life from 1963 to 2012. Born in 1927, he came to Italy due to the war and stayed after falling in love with Iole, a young I talian girl from Bergamo, with whom he had five boys. In fifty years of amateur filming, Hans creates the intimate story of a united and happy family, although in 2013, the year of his death, his films e...
Four musicians play Il fuoco by Giovanni Pastrone, a 1915 film that the director signs with the name of Piero Fosco. Four chapters that mark a painter’s passion for a fatal woman, a fire that burns until he is consumed. Four symbolic places of culture in Bergamo and the hope that they will soon be able to reopen. A unique audiovisual experience dedicate...
A man, inside his kitchen, is preparing his packed lunch. He has decided to visit The Brion Tomb, a monumental funeral complex, designed and built by the Venetian architect Carlo Scarpa, commissioned by Onorina Brion Tomasin, to honour the memory of the deceased and beloved relative Giuseppe Brion, founder and owner of the Brionvega company, located in the small cemetery of ...
Silvia Gribaudi is one of the most important Italian performers and choreographers. Her constant research on unusual and “invisible” bodies has led her to work over the last decade with women “over 60” from all over Italy, all without artistic experience, gently accompanying them to cross the boundaries imposed by society. With Rosaria she begins a re...
A fine anni ’60 Emilio Sidoti, maestro elementare ad Albisola, decide di realizzare alcuni film insieme ai suoi alunni con l’idea di sviluppare il loro sguardo critico in un percorso espressivo libero e radicale. Prende vita così Cinema dei Ragazzi, la prima esperienza di ‘scuola con il cinema’ realizzata in Italia, che generer&a...
Marco Belelli, aka Divino Otelma, is a well-known Italian philosopher and television personality. He has 6 degrees and owes his notoriety to his past career as a magician, chansonnier, politician. He is also the founder of the Theurgical Order of Elios and the Church of the Living, a cult with more than 20,000 followers, in which he has the role of a self-proclaimed Go...
Un film documentario che segue il gruppo rock dei Verdena nella loro vita privata e nella preparazione del tour di “Volevo Magia”, disco che segna il loro rientro sulle scene dopo sette anni di silenzio. Un’opera unica per capacità di entrare nell’intimità dei protagonisti, all’interno delle loro famiglie, nel profondo delle vit...
Il film racconta trent‘anni di storia della Curva Nord dell’Atalanta, narrata da uno dei suoi ultras più emblematici, Claudio “Bocia” Galimberti. La storia senza tregua di una realtà ribelle, dedicata ad una causa: la libertà di essere il granello di sabbia che blocca l’ingranaggio. IN SALA A: 19 gennaio - Br...
Nel 1991, la band indie degli Uzeda spedisce una demo a Steve Albini. Il produttore discografico di Chicago scomparso da poco, una leggenda della scena alternativa americana e già leader di alcuni dei gruppi più radicali nella storia del rock, risponde alla chiamata e vola a Catania per registrare con gli Uzeda l’album Waters. È l’inizio dell...