The Swedish Theory of Love

The Swedish Theory of Love

by Erik Gandini

Internationally Sweden is seen as a perfect society, a role model and a symbol of the highest achievements of human progress. The Swedish Theory of Love digs into the true nature of Swedish life style, explores the existential black holes of a society that has created the most autonomous people in the world.

Country: Sweden
Year: 2015
Running time: 76'
Language: Italiano, svedese, inglese
Genre: fiction
Cinematography: Vania Tegamelli
Editing: Johan Söderberg
Music: Johan Söderberg
Produced by: Erik Gandini, Juan Pablo Libossa, Fasad AB in coproduzione con: SVT, FILM VÄST, INDIE FILM, Zentropa. Con il sostegno di: SFI, DFI, NORDISK FILM & TV FOND, NFI, DR, YLE, NRK, MEDIA Programme dell’Unione Europea.

Festival: Cph:Dox, Cophenagen; Idfa (Sezione “Master”), Amsterdam; Visioni dal mondo, Milano; Docpoint, Helsinki; ZagrebDox, Zagabria; Boulder; One World, Praga; Linz; Hotdocs, Toronto; Leuven; Docs Against Gravity, Krakov; Makedox, Skopje; DocsBarcelona, Barcellona; Chicago.

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