El bosque terciario

by Alberto Valtellina, Sergio Visinoni

In Macas, in the Eastern part of Ecuador, Fundación Chankuap works as an important mediator between the international members of the foundation and the indigenous communities that live in the forests on the border with Perù. The relationships between the inside and the outside of the forest are regulated with a great precision: every intervention must be carefully planned so that the delicate ecological equilibriums are not altered.The film tells about some meetings between the members of Fundación Chankuap and the communities: they speak about development, but "development" is a word that not everybody interprets in the same way.

Country: Italia
Year: 2009
Running time: 52'
Format: Dvc pro HD, DVD
Language: Castigliano, Shuar, Achuar
Subtitles: italiano, inglese, castigliano
Genre: documentary
Cinematography: Alberto Valtellina, Sergio Visinoni
Editing: Alberto Valtellina
Music: Ariosva - Officine Schwartz
With: Shiki Guillermo Mukucham Ujukam, Yampik Luis Mukucham Inchit, Taish Yampia, Tsamarint Fidel Mukucham Ujukam, Angelita Esthela Tsakimp Tink, Dominga Juwa, Wasump Luis Washikiat Juwa, Yapakach Margarita Jukam Wachapa, Adriana Sosa, Gonzalo Torres Espinoza, Manolo Hernán Samaniego Huaraca, Ernesto Tzungui, Yolanda Vilema, Manuel Ayuy, Silvia Barone, David Gonzalez, Xavier Logroño, Mayra Violeta Samaniego, Ana Lucia Chacon, Marlon Maldonado, Andrea Rutigliano, Maria Gabriela Moreno Rueda, Paúl Arévalo, Federico Tovoli, Silvia Zanardi

In collaborazione con Cooperativa Amandla, Ctm altromercato, Fundación Chankuap'